Our Team

Irene Beck

Irene is a Ph.D. candidate with a background in mechanical engineering. With a minor in Medicine and M.Sc. in BioMechanical Design, her interests are on the interface of technology and healthcare, specifically rehabilitation.

During her education, she has worked on upper limb rehabilitation technology and will continue to do so during her doctoral studies. Irene's research is focused on the development of a rehabilitation device for patients with a stroke.  She aims to improve at-home rehabilitation by leveraging low-cost, accessible haptic robotic devices. 


i.beck@erasmusmc.nl | i.l.y.beck@tudelft.nl   |   34.F-1-410 

2023 - now

Ph.D. Candidate

Cognitive Robotics (CoR) Department, Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Group, Motor Learning and Neurorehabilitation (MLN) Lab, TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands.

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

2016 - 2023

B. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and M. Sc. in BioMechanical Design

Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands